Patient Information and Confidentiality
We recognise that there may be times you wish to discuss sensitive matters. If you are not comfortable at the front desk we will find a private area for this discussion.
The practice uses computers in almost all aspects of its day-to-day activities. The computer is also used during consultations as it enables us to keep our records up to date and helps to maintain an efficient register of all our patients. It is an invaluable tool in preventative medicine, screening and education. Patients’ records are held on the computer in accordance with the guidelines of the Data Protection Act.
The practice complies with the Data Protection and Access to Medical Records legislation and holds both written and electronic medical records for patients, neither of which is disclosed to a third party without the patient’s written permission. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances:
- To provide further medical treatment for you
- To help you get other services - this requires your consent
When there is a duty to others– where anonymised patient information will be used at local and national level to help Public Health and Government plan services e.g. for diabetic care.
If you do not wish anonymous information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know.
Reception and administration staff require access to your medical records in order to do their jobs. These members of staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the medical staff.
Freedom of Information
Information about your personal treatment and care will normally be something you will discuss with the healthcare professionals with whom you come into contact. However, there may be other issues about which you would like further information. In order to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 public sector organisations such as ours have to routinely publish information whenever possible.