Your rights
To be registered with a family doctor and change your doctor easily and quickly
To receive a health check when joining the practice and at 3 yearly intervals, on request, an annual check if you are aged more than 75 years,
To receive emergency care when necessary through a clinician/Out of Hours, to have all appropriate medicines prescribed. Be referred to a consultant acceptable by you when your GP thinks it necessary and to be referred for a second opinion if you and your GP agree this is desirable.
To have access to your medical records, subject to any limitation in law, know those working in the NHS are under a legal duty to keep the contents of your medical records confidential. Choose whether or not to take part in medical research or medical student training.
To receive a full and prompt reply to any complaint you make about the NHS Services.
Your responsibilities
To treat staff politely and with courtesy, as you would wish to be treated. Ask about anything you do not understand, tell the surgery immediately of any change of name, address or phone number.
Understand that results of tests can only be given to the person who had the tests, or for children the parent or guardian. Telephone the surgery for help and advice about anyone you think is too ill or too disabled to go to the surgery
Have a pen and paper ready, as you may be given another number to ring. Take up the offer of immunisations, cervical smears etc.
Zero Tolerance Information
Please find more information about our Zero Tolerance Policy on our Zero Tolerance page.